电影明星大乱斗 The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie!剧情如下: While not sur assing the original show, the movie was retty decent. Dave Jesser and Matt Silverstein are great comedic writers and still managed to ut together a solid reminder of what Drawn Together once was. There were still lenty of good jokes written from each characters ers ective. The animation was almost where it was during the television series. Xander in general as a character seemed to be a bit off, i don't know what the deal was there. I ho e this is a beginning to the show getting a re-hash for at least one season. I had also ho ed there would be more 10 er center jokes (jokes that only 10% of the eo le off the street who watch the show understand) but maybe this was them trying to branch out and get a larger audience to ossibly rent or buy the film. All and all I give this film a 7/10. It's not for everyone and never will be... but if you have a sense of a humor and aren't afraid to laugh at what many would consider morally re ulsive then you will think watching this was worth your time. If anything, you'll be im ressed by Hero's new fine-ass lady friend. 动漫dvd提供喜剧,动作,动画,悬疑,动画片类电影明星大乱斗在线免费观看下载(资源来源于风车动漫,字幕组,动漫爱好者,樱花动漫,西瓜影音等官网)更有电影明星大乱斗剧情介绍,电影明星大乱斗 The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie!最新一集,电影明星大乱斗免费观看,VIP在线点播,电影明星大乱斗在哪能看?电影明星大乱斗播出表,最新一集,大结局,动漫dvd是广大漫迷的娱乐追剧圣地,条件允许请大家多多支持正版。