剧情如下:Porky tries out his new hunting gear and blasts a hole in his a artment roof (and neighbor's backside). At the swam , neither he nor the other hunters can hit anything. Porky sets out decoys, then can't tell the real duck from them; he wades out there, but his shotgun gets waterlogged. He shoots a barrel of rum, and some fish get drunk, get in a rowboat, and sing "Moonlight Bay". Porky thinks he's shot Daffy and sends his dog out to retrieve him, but Daffy brings the dog back. After some more shenanigans, Porky breaks out his duck call, which gets him (and his dog, after he swallows it) shot at. They go home, dejected, where the ducks taunt him some more and his gun jams again.动漫dvd提供动漫,欧美动漫类猪小弟猎鸭在线免费观看下载(资源来源于风车动漫,字幕组,动漫爱好者,樱花动漫,西瓜影音等官网)更有猪小弟猎鸭剧情介绍,最新一集,猪小弟猎鸭免费观看,VIP在线点播,猪小弟猎鸭在哪能看?猪小弟猎鸭播出表,最新一集,大结局,动漫dvd是广大漫迷的娱乐追剧圣地,条件允许请大家多多支持正版。